April 2021 HR Lineup
— Performance Management: Giving Feedback Timely, regular and meaningful feedback is a core component of people performance management and is key in continuing to grow, improve, and recognize a job well done.
Why is feedback important? Feedback is an important tool in both rec- ognizing and driving performance. When given effectively, it can: • Recognize effort, motivate and en- gage • Help people understand how they are performing against expectations • Provide a better understanding of contributions and unique strengths towards the organization’s priorities and values • Identify and reinforce positive behav- iors, and the impact these have on others • Provide opportunity for improvement • Support professional growth and de- velopment by creating continuous op- portunities for learning • Strengthen relationships through reg- ular and active engagement on work and development
— Have you received feedback lately? Have you given feedback recently?
At the center of building a more engaged, inclusive and capable workforce is strong communication and transparency. Timely, regular and meaningful feedback is a core component of people performance man- agement, and is key in continuing to grow, improve, and recognize a job well done. Feedback assists in having honest conver- sations on areas for focus and/or develop- ment, and keeps people connected to their work and the organization.
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