April 2021 HR Lineup



Project Fusion will replace fragmented HR tools existing in our countries and busi- nesses with five globally integrated sys- tems. Workday, a leading cloud-based solution used by numerous Fortune 100 companies all over the world, will become our new core HR platform. Along with the new technology, we will take the opportunity to revamp our people processes and introduce global standards and consistent ways of working. Equipped with direct access to the system and data, you will be able to view real-time informa- tion about yourself, your team and your or- ganization, initiate changes for your em- ployees and make informed, data-driven decisions. By increasing transparency, re- ducing process steps, and limiting neces- sary approvals, we will achieve a higher de- gree of control and eliminate complexity which is holding us back. Workday’s deployment is currently in the design stage and the system will go live globally in 2022, but other elements of Project Fusion are already being rolled out.

Have you visited our Internal Career Por- tal? Built upon award-winning Phenom People technology, the portal hosts new Talent Profiles, displays open jobs in ABB all over the world and offers personalized job recommendations and job alerts. Once you sign up, you won’t miss out on an in- teresting career opportunity. Our new External Career Portal, which will enable us to provide a similar digital and personalized experience to external candi- dates, is set to launch toward the end of May 2021. With a faster and smoother re- cruitment experience, we’ll be able to in- crease the caliber of candidates we at- tract. We’ll also leverage enhanced to data analytics so we can gain insights into what works. And as a hiring manager, you’ll ben- efit from greater transparency and more instantaneous progress updates. Stay tuned for more information about Project Fusion and how it will help you be- come a truly digital people leader!

Sample team compensation dashboard visible to managers

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