April 2021 HR Lineup
— What is your ABB story? We need your support to bring our employer brand to life
Why do you work for ABB? Is it the work that fulfills you? Your colleagues? Your team? What made you press the submit button on your application to join ABB? And what keeps you engaged? What makes you feel proud? Providing potential candidates with in- sights and “peeks behind the curtain” is a powerful means of attracting talent and boosting our employer brand. Today’s candidates look for authentic stories about working for a company – real life examples that resonate with them and help them evaluate if the company is in line with their values and aspirations. In this digital era, they also expect a mod- ern, simple and customer-centric process that allows them to submit their applica- tion instantly and on-the-go. We are gearing up to launch our new Ex- ternal Career Portal toward the end of May 2021. With this new portal, we’ll be able to provide this type of digital and personalized experience to external can- didates. And sharing authentic stories from our very own people will allow us to reach those candidates on an emotional level. Whether it is via Social Media chan- nels or directly on our new External Career Portal , we aim to lever-age this opportunity to its fullest poten-tial. Hence, we invite you and all our col- leagues to engage with our employer brand!
There are numerous ways to do so: Do you have a new opening o n your team? Make sure you promote it on LinkedIn and give a flavor of what interested candi- dates can expect. Are you hitting a 1 year, 5 year or even 10 year+ service milestone at ABB? Why not tell your story and share insights on your journey at ABB with oth- ers? Have you experienced a “wow” mo- ment that exemplifies what you love about working here? You can share your ABB story by sending an email to ch-gbshrcoms@abb.com. Thank you in advance for helping us bring our employer brand to life by sharing your experiences!
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