August 2021 HR Lineup
We had the opportunity to speak with Global Business Controller in Motion Systems Drives Kern Jain, and Country Managing Director ABB Sweden and LBU Manager Robotics and Discrete Automation Dennis Helfridsson, regard- ing their perspectives on the Global Parental Leave program. Do you think ABB’s new Global Parental Leave program promotes diversity and inclusion and will promote ABB as a pre- ferred employer for talent attraction or retention? Kern: “Yes, it is a great commitment and example of leadership, and will help people believe that we are really committed to our core values. It definitely creates a positive and healthy environment. This goes a long way in employee satisfaction and retention.” Dennis: “I believe it does, as it will send us to the top of the ranking when it comes to parental leave benefits. Competitiveness is all about being better in relative terms, and with our new program we will be stron- ger than a lot of other companies active in the same sector. The program sends a clear message to both current and future employees that ABB is a company that val- ues work life balance, and that we aim to
care for our work force. With the new pro- gram, ABB takes a step to stand out as an attractive company for young talents who may wonder how they will be able to focus on both their career and a potential family.” What do you think are the most important aspects a line manager should consider in order to promote a gender-neutral program? Kern: “Line managers should work con- sciously toward gender equality. The pa- rental leave program is a great initiative and important step in that direction, and we need to encourage employees to use it. I have personally worked to be more aware of using “gendered” terms, like calling everyone “guys” in team comprised of male and females. The same goes for titles, and environmental and culturally based terms we might be using. We should drive toward zero gender preferences in the work environment.” Dennis: “I think it is of utter importance to “walk the talk,” and to actively encourage both primary and secondary caregivers to make use of the opportunity to take paren- tal leave. We know, for example, that men tend to take out fewer days of parental leave, no matter who is the economic “bread winner” in the family. In order to fully promote and implement the new program, we need both male and female managers to pave the way and lead by example through taking the days allowed themselves in addition to encouraging their team members to do so. In the long run, the time we are on parental leave is so short, but it gives so much back with regard to getting to know our children, and learning all their cues. The bond with your child is for a lifetime; why would only primary caregivers be given the benefits of parental leave?”
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