August 2022 HR Lineup



Coming back to the golden question of this article, “Should I stay, or should I go?” No one can predict when an employee will conclude on their answer to this ques- tion, so the best approach is to have open discussions with your teammembers reg ularly about their intentions to continue in their current role, allow them to express their views on challenges they may be fac ing, and celebrate their successes. It usu ally takes several months for an employee to decide, which means there is time to manage a smooth transition, and challenge and identify how best to approach it. Professional development is not the only reason an employee will stay or leave. Other variables of the “next career move” equation include contentment, recogni tion, work-life balance, and work environ ment. This is particularly relevant for the first career move at ABB and when em ployees below 35 years old are actively developing their careers. Again, managers play a critical role in em ployee retention, and your HRBP can help. You can help to spot when an employee may be considering their next career move and work together to identify the best way to support their decision, whatever the outcome. If you would like to go the extra mile and read more about employee retention and employee engagement, feel free to review Heartbeat by Peakon. In addition, keep the Open Job Market article from June 2022 HR Lineup handy. It offers several tips for supporting your employees as they manage and drive their own career development.

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