August 2022 HR Lineup



— Outstanding contribution (behavior and performance)

Showing all of the following qualifies for this rating: • Consistently exceeds the key requirements of the role and delivers high quality work on a day-to-day basis in such a way that significantly contributes to the company’s success through their function/department (the ‘what’); • Delivery and outcomes against all agreed performance goals exceed expectations (the ‘what’); • Role models the expected level of ABB Values (the ‘how’); • Actively requests feedback from managers and colleagues throughout the year and acts upon it to improve and self-develop. Showing all of the following qualifies for this rating: • Meets all key requirements of the role and delivers day-to-day duties to a high standard, is knowledgeable, and demonstrates capability in their work (the ‘what’); • Delivery and outcomes against performance goals meet and may have surpassed some expectations (the ‘what’); • Demonstrates the expected level of ABB Values (the ‘how’); • Actively requests feedback from managers or colleagues throughout the year and acts upon it to improve and self-develop. Showing at least one of the following qualifies for this rating: • Meets a number of the key requirements/ assigned duties of the role with further development required for the full achievement of requirements (the ‘what’); • Delivery and outcomes against performance or behavior goals are at or slightly below expectations (the ‘what’); • Demonstrates the expected level of ABB Values (the ‘how’) most of the time with some inconsistencies. • Seldom requests feedback frommanager or colleagues throughout the year. The employee may demonstrate excellence in one area yet need improvement in other areas. This rating may be considered for someone new to the role, who is performing and delivering well and still deve- loping and growing in the role . Showing at least one of the following qualifies for this rating: • Failed to meet a majority of the key requirements of the role or does not demonstrate knowledge or ability to perform the majority of assigned duties (the ‘what’); • Delivery and outcomes against performance goals are overall below expectations for the position (the ‘what’); • Does not or rarely demonstrates the expected level of ABB Values (the ‘how’); • Does not seek any feedback from manager or colleagues. • Employee is not eligible for a performance rating due to country legislation/process or is unable to participate in the current year process (e.g. employees new to ABB or those on extended leave). Consult with your HR Business Partner if you require assistance on when NA can be used.

— Meets all expectations

— Meets some or most expectations

— Does not meet expectations

— Not applicable

Important note: The employee should be rated in almost all instances, and NA should be only used in exceptional circumstances.

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