December 2021 HR Lineup
HR news for ABB line managers
— HR Lineup
December 2021
— Table of contents
004 –005
New resources for leading the PDA: Helping you make the most of this important part of the integrated Single Cycle
ABB Engagement Survey 2021: Top level results and next steps for managers
006 –007
008 –009 Leadership Learning Ecosystem:
Building the foundations for lifelong learning
Video Interviews & Online Assessments: Hire better, hire faster. Ask your Talent Partner about using these tools for your next recruitment need Project Fusion – Refreshed job architecture for a future-proof business: Adapting our job architecture to reflect the dynamics of the ABB transformation and direction
010 –011
012 –013
014 –015
New HR procedures now in place: Learn how they support core HR policies
— HR Lineup
Bi-monthly publication for ABB line managers
Welcome to the December 2021 issue of the HR Lineup , a tool created in response to your requests for Human Resources information and updates regarding annual processes, special projects and initiatives, and other items of interest. We need your help and partnership to ensure the content we include is meaningful and of use to you! Please share your feedback and questions, as well as suggestions for content to include in the future, by sending an email to
Thanks, and enjoy!
— New resources for leading the PDA Helping you make the most of this important part of the integrated Single Cycle
The 2021/2022 Performance and Develop- ment Appraisal (PDA) launched on Decem- ber 1, 2021. The PDA is an important com- mitment that gives you, as a manager, an opportunity to have honest, quality con- versations with your team members to help them deliver even better performance by recognizing strengths and results, and also provide advice and coaching. The PDA is also a critical element of the overall employee experience, as it allows employees to engage in conversations with their managers to better understand what is important, where they fit, how they have contributed, and how they will be recognized for their achievements. As a leader it is important that you develop and utilize the right skills around effective c onversations and feedback, coaching support, holding people to account, recognizing and rewarding performance, and knowing how to differentiate performance. So what is available to you as a leader to deliver an optimal performance man- agement experience for yourself and your team members?
People Performance Management Toolkit The People Performance Management Toolkit is an easy to navigate PDF docu- ment that provides people performance management information in one place: • It allows you to pick and choose the in- formation that makes sense for you, to support you as a performance leader and performance coach. • It provides insights and information, tips and hints, checklists and even self reflec- tion questions for you as a leader, to pro- vide guidance and support for effective People Performance Management. The toolkit is available now with some of the core information that may be useful while leading the PDA process. The toolkit will be regularly updated over the coming months, including the release of an em- ployee version. The launch of the Leadership Learning Ecosystem enables all of our leaders to Learn, Connect and Grow in a continuous manner – anytime, anywhere, and accord- ing to their individual learning style. In or- der to unlock leadership potential for engaging and inspiring people through performance management, a learning pathway has been created to support your Leadership Learning Ecosystem – Performance Pathway
learning on how to have effective conver- sations and provide feedback. In addition, you can find a lot of other interesting con- tent, for example ABB core competencies learning paths that will help you becoming an even stronger ABB leader! Career Planning Resources As you discuss with your employees their career aspirations, be sure to encourage them to take advantage of the Electrify Your Career (EYC) portal, which offers tools, tips and resources to help actively plan for their career development. There is even a designated scenario within the portal to help you prepare for career conversations with your team members! Single Cycle landing page For more information on PDA and the inte- grated Single Cycle, please visit the new Single Cycle Inside+ page, intended to help managers and employees to better under- stand and more easily access materials re- garding the various aspects of the inte- grated Single Cycle.
— ABB Engagement Survey 2021 Top level results and next steps for managers
This year showed the highest response rate (78%) since the launch of the survey, which shows our employees are eager to share their feedback. Along with an en- gagement score of 74 (just 1 point below the external benchmark), the results show progress and that we are building our cul- ture of open dialogue. You can find out more about the global ABB Engagement survey results 2021 by clicking here.
In line with our ABB Way operating model and culture of empowerment, most ac- tions will be taken by line managers and in every management team. The Executive Committee will drive the focus areas as identified in their respective Business Ar- eas and corporate functions. Your role as a line manager Line managers have a great opportunity to take ownership of the results of the ABB Engagement Survey 2021 and use them to work better together with their teams, making ABB a better place to work. This in- cludes having an ongoing dialogue, engag- ing with team members to review the re- sults, and developing and following up on action plans together. Access to the team results As of November 10, all line managers who received feedback from a minimum of five team members were given access to the Glint platform for their team results. More than 75 percent of you already accessed your team’s results since they were made available, and that shows a sense of ac- countability and ownership. If you have not yet done so, please log on at this link to take a look at the data and see how your results compare to last year and to the overall ABB results.
Sharing the results with your team Use the reporting function to download key results into a presentation to share with your team and think about the key messages you want to highlight. This might include any surprises or unexpected results you received. Once you have re- viewed the feedback, you can set up a team meeting to share the results and openly discuss the feedback received. How to prepare for a team discussion To help prepare for your meeting to share the results with your team, we recommend following the ACT framework. ACT stands for “Acknowledge where we are,” “Collabo- rate onwherewewant to go,” and “Take one step forward.” This is verymuch a conversa- tion, and it’s important to actively listen to what the teamwants to say. Thiswill create stronger connections and a shared responsi- bility. It’s not uncommon to focus on the next steps and tackle the challenges, but don’t for- get to call out some positives andwins aswell. How to prepare an action plan When the key findings have been shared, it’s time to work through how the entire team can use them to move forward. What
should the focus area be for the next few weeks, and what should be prioritized? Discussing this as a group gives everyone a chance to contribute. Agree upon key focus areas and create an action plan that you and your team will be working on throughout the year. Action plans should be a combination of actions that align with any global/BA focus areas and some team- specific points. Make sure that the focus areas and priorities are communi-cated clearly, and there is a tangible action plan with items to which the team mem-bers agree to contribute. Taking actions together with your team Action plans can be logged in the Glint sys- tem, and you should follow up on the agreed actions on a regular basis. The deadline for Line Managers to create their action plans – developed in collaboration with their teams – is February 28, 2022. Next steps We highly recommend leaving the meeting with a next check-in point already agreed. Think about the one thing that the team can commit to moving forward. Make sure everyone is clear on what that first step is after the meeting is done. It’s a good idea to dedicate a couple of minutes in each team meeting to talk about progress, next steps, how to course-correct, and to cele- brate small wins. Over time, these conver- sations will really become habits that will happen naturally. More resources on how to download and interpret results, conversation guides, and sample presentations to help you prepare can be found on the ABB Engagement Sur- vey Line Manager Resources SharePoint site.
— Leadership Learning Ecosystem Building the foundations for lifelong learning
• Harvard Manage Mentor (HMM) is a set of lessons on more than 40 topics, in- cluding assessments. At the end of each lesson, you will be able to create your action plan about what you would want to improve in the next 60 days. Upon completion, you will be granted a certifi- cate and a digital badge that you can dis- play on social media including LinkedIn to show your accomplishments. • Harvard Manage Mentor Spark (or HMM Spark) contains articles, podcasts and videos from HMM, featured lessons and the full library of Harvard Business Re- view articles. The big differentiator of HMM Spark is that it is powered by De- greed, and as such offers us the possibil- ity to create our own learning paths, en- hancing the Harvard content with other internal and external sources. All the Cor- porate learning solutions like the IGNITE programs and the curiosity sprints are built on Spark. Soon yours can be too, as you will also be able to build your own learning programs with Spark! listening to a podcast on a leadership topic that pertains to you. You are in the driver’s seat, choosing what to learn and when to learn it. We hope this will become a new way of approaching learning during daily work and instilling a habit for life- long learning. With both HMM and HMM Spark you are just a click away from reading an article or
Launched two months ago, our new Lead- ership Learning Ecosystem is starting to get attention from our colleagues all over the world. Great positive feedback has been received, and the Business Areas and Corporate teams are excited to work to- gether on continuing to enhance the learn- ing offering for all ABB leaders. The ecosystem is more than just a learning platform. It is also a new philosophy of learning that we have coined “Learn. Con- nect. Grow.” It is about learning with more content available ever than before, any- time, anywhere. Connecting with col- leagues, guest speakers, business leaders and experts. And this connection can take place both virtually as well as face-to-face. With the new ecosystem, you can grow personally and grow your business by ap- plying the learnings. As you get to know the ecosystem, it might be helpful to understand the differ- ence between Harvard Manage Mentor and Harvard Manage Mentor Spark and how they complement each other:
Here are three things you can do today before moving on to your next activity:
Let’s continue to spread the energy and continue to shape our learning culture at ABB! 3. Volunteer to be a speaker at upcoming events or recommend some external speakers or subject matter experts. Our next value quarter will start in February with a focus on care. We look forward to hearing from you.
1. Join our Yammer community to stay always in- formed about the latest information on the ABB Leadership Learning Ecosystem and upcoming trainings. You will also find links to the record- ings of the past training and curiosity sessions.
2. Access our portal, explore both the HMM and HMM Spark , and start your learning journey.
160 have enrolled in the IGNITE program, fully booking out all classes for Q4.
All classes of the IGNITE Program (leadership development program for first-time managers) have been fully booked, and 160 employees se- cured their seats. New classes are now open for Q1 2022 and more will be released in 2022 in lo- cal languages too.
6,000 active learning community members on Yammer.
Our learning community in Yammer is growing organically day by day after each event. We cur- rently have more than 6,000 people and we have only just reached out to line managers!
4,000 have registed for the curiosity quarter events, with free seats still available to book. 3,000 pieces of content from 800 Harvard Manage Mentor users and 1,800 Harvard Manage Mentor Spark users.
Curiosity quarter is attracting great curiosity too! So far 4,000 people have registered for a set of inspiring speaker events. There are still some free seats if you would like to join. 280 employees have registered in the nine upcom- ing curiosity sprints – immersive learning activi- ties facilitated by our internal Learning coaches in English and Chinese! During the first month of the launch, more than 800 people have been on Harvard Manage Men- tor and around 1,800 people on Harvard Man- age Mentor Spark, culminating in around 3,000 pieces of content (videos, articles, podcast) be- ing accessed.
— Video Interviews & Online Assessments Hire better, hire faster. Ask your Talent Partner about using these tools for your next recruitment need.
We are continuously working to enhance and streamline the recruitment experi- ence, introducing new tools to enable an even faster and more reliable process. Ear- lier this year we implemented new career portals, providing a simple, modern and digital experience to both internal and ex- ternal candidates. We are excited to now announce the introduction of two new dig- ital interview and assessment tools, which further enhance not only the candidate ex- perience, but also your recruitment experi- ence as a Hiring Manager. These solutions, where available*, are used in the initial part of the recruitment pro- cess to allow for more efficient and effec- tive candidate screening.
*These solutions are not used in all countries or for all positions for various reasons. Your Talent Partner can advise which solutions are available for your recruitment needs.
HireVue is a scientifically validated assess- ment solution that helps you focus on the highest quality candidates, making better informed and faster hiring decisions. It is applicable in selected countries for graduates in both STEM and non-STEM profiles and also Sales, Engineering and Project Management professionals (indi- vidual contributors or line managers). The HireVue assessments are also sent to select candidates who are invited to take part, and Hiring Managers can then review the recorded video content and cognitive games results in order to move the top candidates further in the process.
Phenom Video Interviews launched in December 2021, and allow Talent Partners to invite candidates across all levels, geographies and functions – directly from the Phenom CRM tool – to take part
in a recorded, on-demand video interview based on ad hoc sets of questions.
This will allow candidates to take the in- terview anytime and from anywhere, us- ing a mobile app or web browser. Hiring Managers will then have the chance to evaluate the interviews and decide who fits best and should move forward in the process.
— Four great reasons to use one of these solutions for your next recruitment need:
Better understand your candi- dates’ individual cognitive skills and behavioral traits before you meet with them.
Make data-driven and science- backed hiring decisions – identifying and assessing key competencies needed on day one.
Create a faster and more efficient screening process – dramatically increasing recruitment efficiency by eliminating time consuming phone screen interviews.
Engage with candidates and minimize bias in the selection process – drive positive and profitable growth for your business by hiring the right talents more quickly.
— Are you ready to enhance your recruitment experience? Ask your Talent Partner during the kick-off meeting about using one of the above solutions, depending on what is available* and best fits your needs.
— Project Fusion – Refreshed job architecture for a future- proof business Adapting our job architecture to reflect the dynamics of the ABB transformation and direction
we have an up-to-date job catalog and that employ- ees are correctly assigned to the jobs they perform.
With ABB Way and the evolution of our business opera- tions, new jobs are emerging in ABB, while others be- come obsolete. Every employee should have an up-to- date job that determines main attributes and core skills and informs their career path. It’s time to review the existing job architecture of ABB and refresh it, adapting to the current business requirements and preparing for the future. The first stage of this process is already underway! What is a job architecture and why is it important? All jobs in ABB belong to one company-wide job archi- tecture, where jobs are grouped into job families and job family groups, and described by job profiles to cre- ate a consistent organizational blueprint. The job archi- tecture is a key element to design career paths, com- pensation structures and performance management, enabling our employees to plan and drive their careers in line with the Open Job Market. From a system standpoint, job architecture serves as a foundation for globally consistent HR processes, and supports our future transition to the new global HR system, Workday.
The process had several steps:
1. Job structure review – this was the starting point. Job Family Group owners from all Business Areas reviewed the existing job structure, defined a new one for the future and updated the job catalog.
2. Job-to-job mapping – existing jobs were mapped to the future ones defined in the new job catalog.
3. Job-to-employee mapping – in this phase, HRBPs assigned employees to the correct future jobs. Job descriptions were reviewed and updated as well. As an outcome of these activities, the number of job family groups was reduced from 21 to 17, with some new groups created, e.g. Digital, while Contin- uous Improvement, Manufacturing, Procurement & Logistics, Planning and Fulfillment and Quality were merged into one group called Operations. We set- tled on 86 job families, which host approximately 530 cleaned-up and updated jobs. You can learn more here.
What is the job architecture review? Job architecture review was initiated to ensure that
What does this change mean for you? In early 2022, managers will be able to utilize the new jobs during job requisition creation in eRec and career planning conversations with employees. Importantly: this review of the job architecture does not change employee salaries, grades, organi- zational assignments, reporting lines or business titles.
As we enter the next stage of the review in 2022, focusing on job profiles, you will hear more about the evolution of our job architecture and its role in preparation for our one global HR system – Workday .
— New HR procedures now in place Learn how they support core HR policies
mented each year, including the way the results are shared and actions set and followed up. Hire to Retire policy • Global Job Architecture procedure de- tails the company-wide standards by which to organize and describe jobs across ABB. The procedure provides an overview of the key concepts of job structure & job profiles and includes key governance elements. • HR Performance and Continuous Im- provement procedure presents an over- view of the approach to performance
HR has created a set of procedures to sup- port the core HR policies, which can be found here. These procedures provide details such as roles, responsibilities and expected actions. As with the policies, all Divisions, Busi-ness Areas, GBS and Corporate need to follow these procedures.
The following core HR procedures are effective November 5, 2021.
People Development policy • Employee Engagement Survey procedure describes the purpose and outlines the way in which the annual global ABB Em- ployee Engagement Survey is imple-
The following core HR procedures were effective October 1, 2021.
management and continuous perfor- mance improvements within HR. The procedure details the four main compo- nents of performance planning, control, assurance, and continuous improvement by providing definitions and examples of the structure within various areas of HR. Performance & Reward Policy • Long-Term Assignments procedure spec- ifies the core elements, mandatory rules, processes and information governing long-term assignments at ABB. • Short-Term Assignments procedure specifies the core elements, mandatory rules, processes and information govern- ing short-term assignments at ABB. • One-time grants procedure describes the core requirements related to defined types of special one-time grants, ex- plains when each type of such grant can be used and describes further implica- tions.
Performance & Reward Policy • Long-Term Incentive procedure sets out the framework that applies to Long-Term Incentives (LTI) that are offered to se- lected employees, and defines the key principles, minimum standards and gov- ernance related to the nominations for participation in an LTI Plan. • Executive Compensation procedure in- cludes the corporate governance respon- sibilities managed by Executive Compen- sation, including endorsement of compensation decisions for Division Presidents and other senior leaders in grades 1-5. All of the core HR policies and procedures are available under the HR section of the ABB governance portal. If you have any questions, please contact your HR Busi- ness Partner.
Helpful Links → Single Cycle → Recruiting toolbox for managers → Leadership Learning → Global Onboarding Portal → FusionOne → AskHR
— GBS HR Your People Partners Trista Schlick, Global HR Communications & Experience Lead
© Copyright 2021 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.
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