December 2021 HR Lineup
— Video Interviews & Online Assessments Hire better, hire faster. Ask your Talent Partner about using these tools for your next recruitment need.
We are continuously working to enhance and streamline the recruitment experi- ence, introducing new tools to enable an even faster and more reliable process. Ear- lier this year we implemented new career portals, providing a simple, modern and digital experience to both internal and ex- ternal candidates. We are excited to now announce the introduction of two new dig- ital interview and assessment tools, which further enhance not only the candidate ex- perience, but also your recruitment experi- ence as a Hiring Manager. These solutions, where available*, are used in the initial part of the recruitment pro- cess to allow for more efficient and effec- tive candidate screening.
*These solutions are not used in all countries or for all positions for various reasons. Your Talent Partner can advise which solutions are available for your recruitment needs.
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