December 2021 HR Lineup
— New HR procedures now in place Learn how they support core HR policies
mented each year, including the way the results are shared and actions set and followed up. Hire to Retire policy • Global Job Architecture procedure de- tails the company-wide standards by which to organize and describe jobs across ABB. The procedure provides an overview of the key concepts of job structure & job profiles and includes key governance elements. • HR Performance and Continuous Im- provement procedure presents an over- view of the approach to performance
HR has created a set of procedures to sup- port the core HR policies, which can be found here. These procedures provide details such as roles, responsibilities and expected actions. As with the policies, all Divisions, Busi-ness Areas, GBS and Corporate need to follow these procedures.
The following core HR procedures are effective November 5, 2021.
People Development policy • Employee Engagement Survey procedure describes the purpose and outlines the way in which the annual global ABB Em- ployee Engagement Survey is imple-
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