December 2021 HR Lineup
— New resources for leading the PDA Helping you make the most of this important part of the integrated Single Cycle
The 2021/2022 Performance and Develop- ment Appraisal (PDA) launched on Decem- ber 1, 2021. The PDA is an important com- mitment that gives you, as a manager, an opportunity to have honest, quality con- versations with your team members to help them deliver even better performance by recognizing strengths and results, and also provide advice and coaching. The PDA is also a critical element of the overall employee experience, as it allows employees to engage in conversations with their managers to better understand what is important, where they fit, how they have contributed, and how they will be recognized for their achievements. As a leader it is important that you develop and utilize the right skills around effective c onversations and feedback, coaching support, holding people to account, recognizing and rewarding performance, and knowing how to differentiate performance. So what is available to you as a leader to deliver an optimal performance man- agement experience for yourself and your team members?
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