December 2021 HR Lineup
Sharing the results with your team Use the reporting function to download key results into a presentation to share with your team and think about the key messages you want to highlight. This might include any surprises or unexpected results you received. Once you have re- viewed the feedback, you can set up a team meeting to share the results and openly discuss the feedback received. How to prepare for a team discussion To help prepare for your meeting to share the results with your team, we recommend following the ACT framework. ACT stands for “Acknowledge where we are,” “Collabo- rate onwherewewant to go,” and “Take one step forward.” This is verymuch a conversa- tion, and it’s important to actively listen to what the teamwants to say. Thiswill create stronger connections and a shared responsi- bility. It’s not uncommon to focus on the next steps and tackle the challenges, but don’t for- get to call out some positives andwins aswell. How to prepare an action plan When the key findings have been shared, it’s time to work through how the entire team can use them to move forward. What
should the focus area be for the next few weeks, and what should be prioritized? Discussing this as a group gives everyone a chance to contribute. Agree upon key focus areas and create an action plan that you and your team will be working on throughout the year. Action plans should be a combination of actions that align with any global/BA focus areas and some team- specific points. Make sure that the focus areas and priorities are communi-cated clearly, and there is a tangible action plan with items to which the team mem-bers agree to contribute. Taking actions together with your team Action plans can be logged in the Glint sys- tem, and you should follow up on the agreed actions on a regular basis. The deadline for Line Managers to create their action plans – developed in collaboration with their teams – is February 28, 2022. Next steps We highly recommend leaving the meeting with a next check-in point already agreed. Think about the one thing that the team can commit to moving forward. Make sure everyone is clear on what that first step is after the meeting is done. It’s a good idea to dedicate a couple of minutes in each team meeting to talk about progress, next steps, how to course-correct, and to cele- brate small wins. Over time, these conver- sations will really become habits that will happen naturally. More resources on how to download and interpret results, conversation guides, and sample presentations to help you prepare can be found on the ABB Engagement Sur- vey Line Manager Resources SharePoint site.
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