December 2021 HR Lineup



Here are three things you can do today before moving on to your next activity:

Let’s continue to spread the energy and continue to shape our learning culture at ABB! 3. Volunteer to be a speaker at upcoming events or recommend some external speakers or subject matter experts. Our next value quarter will start in February with a focus on care. We look forward to hearing from you.

1. Join our Yammer community to stay always in- formed about the latest information on the ABB Leadership Learning Ecosystem and upcoming trainings. You will also find links to the record- ings of the past training and curiosity sessions.

2. Access our portal, explore both the HMM and HMM Spark , and start your learning journey.

160 have enrolled in the IGNITE program, fully booking out all classes for Q4.

All classes of the IGNITE Program (leadership development program for first-time managers) have been fully booked, and 160 employees se- cured their seats. New classes are now open for Q1 2022 and more will be released in 2022 in lo- cal languages too.

6,000 active learning community members on Yammer.

Our learning community in Yammer is growing organically day by day after each event. We cur- rently have more than 6,000 people and we have only just reached out to line managers!

4,000 have registed for the curiosity quarter events, with free seats still available to book. 3,000 pieces of content from 800 Harvard Manage Mentor users and 1,800 Harvard Manage Mentor Spark users.

Curiosity quarter is attracting great curiosity too! So far 4,000 people have registered for a set of inspiring speaker events. There are still some free seats if you would like to join. 280 employees have registered in the nine upcom- ing curiosity sprints – immersive learning activi- ties facilitated by our internal Learning coaches in English and Chinese! During the first month of the launch, more than 800 people have been on Harvard Manage Men- tor and around 1,800 people on Harvard Man- age Mentor Spark, culminating in around 3,000 pieces of content (videos, articles, podcast) be- ing accessed.

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