February 2022 HR Lineup

HR news for ABB line managers

— HR Lineup

February 2022

— Table of contents

Single Cycle – Conversations Engaging with your team members Open Job Market – Career Conversations Use the PDA as an opportunity to encourage your employees to grow Leadership Learning Ecosystem – ACCELERATE Introducing an exciting new offering for Middle Managers Scheduling interviews is now easier than ever The ABB Interview Scheduler is evolving and plays a vital role for recruitment Fusion program – AssignmentPro is now live International assignments made easier for employees, managers and HR New HR procedures now in place Learn how they support core HR policies

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— HR Lineup

Bi-monthly publication for ABB line managers

Welcome to the February 2022 issue of the HR Lineup , a tool created in response to your requests for Human Resources information and updates regarding annual processes, special projects and initiatives, and other items of interest. We need your help and partnership to ensure the content we include is meaningful and of use to you! Please share your feedback and questions, as well as suggestions for content to include in the future, by sending an email to HRLineup@abb.com.

Thanks, and enjoy!



— Single Cycle – Conversations Engaging with your team members

The Single Cycle is now well underway, and many of you will already have been involved in the Single Cycle Performance and Com- pensation planning stage. As a Manager you play a critical role in the next stage of the process – having engaging perfor- mance and compensation conversations with your team. Employees participating in the Annual In- centive Plan (AIP) will have recently re- ceived their 2022 AIP plan letter with their preliminary business measures – this is a great opportunity to ensure they are aware Performance Goals/Targets for 2022 should be recorded in the Performance and Development Appraisal (PDA) document and discussed with your teammembers before February 28, 2022. Depending on the local process, from early March you may receive letters to be dis- tributed to your team members eligible for Annual Salary Review (ASR), confirming the revised salary. We recommend that you take the time to thank your team members for their valuable contribution. Your HRBP can advise on the local arrangements. of their AIP measures and how they, individually, can impact business performance during 2022.



During March , employees participating in AIP 2021 will receive confirmation of their annual incentive plan award. Use this op- portunity to discuss the Individual Perfor- mance Measure (IPM) result that you as- signed – and the reasons why – as well as the business performance that resulted in the overall award. Latest by end of March , the 2022 AIP plans - including business measures and targets - will be available to be communicated to your team members participating in the 2022 AIP, providing another opportunity to reinforce to your team the relevant KPIs and how they can individually impact busi- ness performance during 2022. Business specific Sales Incentive Plan (SIP) communications would typically follow the same timeline process.

Taking the time to engage with our em- ployees and clearly explain the link be- tween their individual performance, the business performance, and the compen- sation they receive, will also improve en- gagement, and impacts Engagement Sur- vey results. We appreciate that sometimes these con- versations can be challenging. For sup- port you can access the People Perfor- mance Management Toolkit, an easy to navigate PDF document that provides people performance management infor- mation in one place, including guidance on managing difficult conversations. As a reminder, all of the key Single Cycle dates can be found on the Single Cycle page on Inside+. For your convenience they are also included on the next page.



2021/2022 Detailed Calendar – Employee & Line Managers

Key Dates Manager Actions Employee Actions

— November 2021

— December 2021

1 PPM 2021 system open 2 AIP - IPM & M&S 2021 system open

18 PPM 2021 employee self assessment due

23 – 24 AIP – M&S 2021 training for managers

— January 2022

— February 2022

1 AIP 2022 auto release of first letter without target (if not done) 1-11 ASR & LTIP 2021 GG 1-7 system open (HRGT) 1-17 ASR 2022 GG 8-20 local process 15 AIP - IPM 2021 % inputs confirmation from managers 18 ASR 2022 & LTIP 2021 GG 1-7 tool closure (HRGT)

11 AIP 2022 communication from BA / Function leaders 20 – 31 AIP 2022 review / release of first letter without targets AIP 2022 e-learning for managers & employees 24 PPM 2021 performance results discussion completion& final ratings due

28 PPM 2021 performance goals discussion completion & employee sign-off

AIP - IPM & M&S 2021 consolidated % due from managers

— March 2022

— April 2022

1 - 15 AIP 2021 & ASR 2022 Payroll processing

7–24 ASR 2022 GG8-20 local compensation statement release - depending on local process 16 - 25 AIP 2021 GG8-20 local compensation statement release 18 - 24 ASR 2022, AIP & LTIP 2021 GG1-7 consolidated compensation statement release 28 AIP 2022 Release of letter with targets 1 - 31 AIP 2021 & ASR 2022 Payroll processing

TBC LTIP 2022 communication

LTIP – Long-Term Incentive Plan M&S – Marketing & Sales PPM – People Performance Management

AIP – Annual Incentive Plan ASR – Annual Salary Review GG – Global Grade IPM – Individual Performance Measure



— Open Job Market – Career Conversations

Use the PDA as an opportunity to encourage your employees to grow

The Performance and Development Ap- praisal (PDA) provides a perfect opportu- nity for you to have a career conversation with each of your team members in addi- tion to reviewing their performance. Through that conversation you can dis- cuss their interests and the options that are available to them, and help them build a plan for their personal and career

development, in line with the principles of the Open Job Market.

On the following pages are some key points to help you prepare for these dis- cussions. Any outcomes or actions agreed in the meeting can be incorporated into the PDA document for ongoing attention and review.



Preparation Evaluate what you see as the employee’s strengths and development areas – con- sidering both their current position and their next logical position, what are some examples of things he/she does well, and not so well? Think in terms of knowledge, skills, behaviors and tasks. What factors affect their performance? What additional experience might help them develop their potential? Plan for what you might say as you discuss performance-related strengths and development needs, clarify short- and Ask the employee what they hope to achieve from your career discussion meet- ing. Ask them open-ended questions to discover what they see as their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as what their career aspirations are in the short- and long-term. If you have a different view about an em- ployee’s self-evaluation or career objec- tives, work through it by listening to their point of view, carefully considering exam- ples they provide, and giving your own examples and evidence to support your opinion. Encourage employees who may seem un- interested or hesitant about developing their career – try to uncover the reasons for their reluctance, and if they don’t have a clear view of their own abilities or the opportunities available, provide data as an alternative. If the time for a job change isn’t right, emphasize that development doesn’t always mean a career move, and work with them on a strategy for how they can continue to develop in their cur- rent role. Discussion

long-term career objectives, and discuss readiness and desire for promotion or lateral moves. If you already have an idea of what the employee wants, give some thought to possible career paths – what logical next positions could the employee aspire to develop in their chosen field? What lat- eral roles could help them develop the necessary skills and experience? How will you explain the options and potential benefits to your employee? Challenge particularly ambitious employ- ees by thoroughly exploring with them their reasons for feeling they have the po- tential to rise much higher in the organiza- tion and ask them to support their argu- ment with specific behavioral or performance-related examples – this is great preparation for any future interview! **Employees don’t need their manager’s permission to apply for a new position, but by giving them honest and objective feedback you can help them to be both realistic in their ambitions, and let them know where and how they need to develop so they will be more likely to have success in any recruitment processes.** Explore what they see as their immediate development needs and what kind of things would support their development. Remember the 70/20/10 rule* and encour- age them to consider lateral moves, not just promotions, as well as projects, as- signments and training courses. Check that they have set up their Talent Profile via the Internal Career Portal and know how to create Job Alerts in order to be notified when interesting and relevant roles become available.

Ask what else you can do to help.



For more guidance on how to plan for a ca- reer conversation, access the interactive “Plan a Careers Conversation” tool in the Resource section of the Electrify Your Ca- reer portal. There you can create and download your plan, as well as a “Careers Conversation Skills Guide,” which provides help, hints and tips on how to develop your own skills for conducting meaningful ca- reer conversations.

Closing Agree on an action plan, with timeframes, and set a date to follow up on progress together. Praise the employee for spending time and energy on his/her career development, and reinforce the session’s value for you too, as their manager.

*The 70-20-10 principle of learning suggests that individu- als tend to learn 70% of their knowledge from challenging experiences and assignments, 20% from developmental relationships, and 10% from coursework and training.



— Leadership Learning

Ecosystem – ACCELERATE Exciting new offering for Middle Managers

ACCELERATE-Essentials is an agile learn- ing journey, based on the Middle Manager learning needs, with focus on key behav- iors to drive individual performance and business impact. It is a further devel- opment/replacement of the previous MMP (Middle Manager Program). Based on the Learn. Connect. Grow. approach, by joining this training you can expect a blended learning delivery (instruc- tor-led/self-paced, virtual and face-to- face, experimental, group coaching and relevant Harvard Management Men- tor content) integrated in the flow of work. The program will be facilitated by our external partner BTS together with one of our ABB Corporate Learn- ing Coaches.

Have you recently become a Middle Man- ager, now responsible for teams that are led by First Line Managers? Are you re- sponsible for creating the conditions for other leaders to lead and manage the per- formance of their teams? Have you been recently promoted to a middle man- ager position?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, ACCELERATE is the program for you!

ACCELERATE, part of the Leadership Learning Ecosystem (LLE), is a recently launched training experience for Middle Managers. The program has two level s : Es- sentials, now live, and Advanced, to be launched in Q2 2022.



The duration of ACCELERATE-Essentials is around nine months, divided into four modules, and the investment is 4,300 USD. The typical target group is middle managers who have been promoted into their role within the last 24 months, how- ever other roles can also benefit from the experience. You can find more information about the program here and you can register at this link. More classes will begin in 2022, and they will be announced in our LLE Yammer community. Keep an eye out for

more information on the ACCELERATE- Advanced offering in the near future as well. We are also excited to share that during Q1 2022 a special focused set of learning events will be launched, free of charge, on the value of Care . More information on these #IdoCare events is available at this page on Inside+ and in the info- graphic below.

Join us in continuing to shape our lifelong learning culture at ABB!

— Care focused learning quarter - #IdoCare events

13 Expert Speaker Engagements

15 Exploratories

Play with care topics including mindfulness, yoga, emotional intelligence, psychological safety and sustainability.

Dive into speaker en- gagements with exter- nal subject matter ex- perts and engage with ABB leaders in interac- tive fireside chats.

#IdoCare I create habits to fuel my energy and wellbeing. I cultivate genuine care for others. I contribute to world sustainability.

3 Care Challenges

Learning Library

Attend learning events to enter the Calm App lottery, earn your Care Ambassador badge, and support your environment.

Explore a rich set of cu- rated resources on a va- riety of care topics in- cluding care for self, care for others, and care for environment.

Visit the Care Quarter page for registration details.



— Scheduling interviews is now easier than ever The ABB Interview Scheduler is evolving and plays a vital role for recruitment

In response to feedback received from ABB Interview Scheduler users since its global launch in January 2021, we are im- plementing the following enhancements in 2022: From February 2022 all hiring managers can define their preferred way to collect the availability for an interview from the ABB interview participants. A new dedicated field in the requisition details will capture the preference. There are two options, manual and automatic. Manual allows interviewers to select the slots themselves, prioritizing the interview in their schedule, and automatic lets the ABB Interview Scheduler select the first free slot(s) in the calendars of all interviewers. In addition, later in 2022 (specific timing TBD) interviewers will be fully enabled to schedule their own interviews for office workers using the ABB Interview Scheduler! Calendar confirmations, rescheduling requests and cancellations will also be automated, allowing faster scheduling, and enhancing the digital experience for both interviewers and candidates.

The ABB Interview Scheduler aims to accelerate the hiring process by simplifying the coordination of interviews and creating a streamlined digital user experi- ence for both internal and external ABB interview participants. The tool allows interview participants to provide their availability 24/7 through any device con- nected to the internet.



Tips and reminders for hiring managers

If you need to reschedule or cancel, be sure to use the links from the automated email and calendar confirmations to reschedule and cancel, rather than the Outlook func- tionalities with same name. This will allow you to fully utilize the ABB Interview Sched- uler and its automation. Learn more Interviewers already have access to an ABB Interview scheduler Dashboard where the status and history of their schedules can be checked in real time. You can find more in- formation about the enhancements to the ABB Interview Scheduler on this dedicated Inside+ page. For additional information, please reach out to your Talent Partner.

If your preference is automatic slot selection for interviews, please remember to keep your calendar up-to-date and secure free slots in the near future. If your preference is manual slot selection for interviews, it is important to provide your availability in a timely manner. Watch for the email requesting your availability for an interview coming from Recruitment Team.



— Fusion program – AssignmentPro is now live International assignments made easier for employees, managers and HR

Whether you are on an international as- signment yourself or have a team member enjoying global mobility within ABB, there are several formal requirements that need to be fulfilled – taxes, immigration, visas, compensation, relocation, etc. Moving abroad with ABB is now easier than ever thanks to AssignmentPro – our new

application for managing international moves from pre-authorization to repatri- ation or localization! Global mobility: a world of opportunities The ability to offer international assign- ments is an unparalleled opportunity for growth – for ABB and for our people. Global mobility supports the mobilization of employees across the globe to fill criti- cal business needs. It also ensures that ABB can attract and retain talent who wish to work for a global organization and within a global environment. Once someone is successfully recruited for a position requiring an international move, our global mobility service is there to help arrange the move end-to-end. With AssignmentPro, the recently launched tool from our digital HR portfo- lio in the Fusion program, taking on and managing international transfers is sim- pler, faster and more efficient. Instead of searching for information from multiple sources and consulting several vendors, we now have everything in one application, available on desktops and mobile devices.



Workflow Management


Run cost estimates and track actual costs against budgets. Electronic approvals and audit trails

Generate time and cost efficiencies through automated workflows and document creation. Speed up the deployment process

Data & Dashboards

Employee Experience

Capture key assignee and cost data for tracking, analysis and visibility through dashboards and reports

Provide your employees with enhanced visibility of their real-time assignment data and documentation

AssignmentPro – a one-stop-shop for global mobility Our new international assignment tool is a web-based global mobility manage- ment system, available to international assignees, their managers, HR Business Partners and our Global Mobility team. Part of the Fusion program portfolio, it will be integrated with Workday, our fu- ture core HR platform, once it goes live. As a manager, you will be able to see up- to-date information for your assignees, access analytics, grant approvals online, and run simplified ‘what if’ cost estimates to help you budget for assignment costs. The tool can send alerts about policy ex- ceptions that require review and approval, and release notifications regarding up- coming assignment end dates. With these functionalities, it will allow for greater

visibility, efficiency and control of all as- signment-related steps.

Your assignees will be able to see their as- signment benefits, services, documents, tasks and status updates all in one place. AssignmentPro will even send assignment documents directly to them for elec- tronic signature. All you may want to know about global mobility at ABB and AssignmentPro Do you want to know more about interna- tional assignments in ABB? Visit the Global Mobility webpage and watch this video to see how AssignmentPro helps to enhance the international assign- ment experience. We also recommend bookmarking FusionOne, our “one-stop- shop” page for information regarding the Fusion program.



— New HR procedures now in place Learn how they support core HR policies

HR has created a set of procedures to support the core HR policies, which can be found here. These procedures provide details such as roles, responsibilities and expected actions. As with the policies, all Divisions, Business Areas, GBS and Cor- porate need to follow these procedures.

• Talent Acquisition procedure describes the guidelines and principles regarding the recruitment of both inter-nal and external candidates from attrac-tion to selection.

Performance & Reward policy • Benefit Plans procedure defines the

The following core HR procedures are effective as of December 2021.

principles behind the design of new ABB benefit plans and amendments to exist- ing ABB benefit plans, the basic gover- nance framework that applies to all ben- efit plans, as well as the key directions on adherence. All of the core HR policies and proce- dures are available under the HR section of the ABB governance portal. If you have any questions, please contact your HR Business Partner.

Hire to Retire policy • HR Master Data procedure describes the purpose, principles, and scope of HR Master Data. Additionally, the procedure explains how it is applied and states the responsibilities and governance for changes.

Helpful Links

• Single Cycle

• Global Onboarding Portal

• Recruiting toolbox for managers

• FusionOne

• Leadership Learning

• AskHR

— GBS HR Your People Partners Trista Schlick, Global HR Communications & Experience Lead trista.schlick@ch.abb.com


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