HR Lineup Feb 2023 Issue



Interview process changes

Changes in the job requisition creation page

Integrity dilemmas *

Global grade drop-down list in eRec

• Hiring Managers (especially when in- terviewing without a Talent Partner) are expected to ask 2-3 general and role-specific questions that test a candidate’s ethical compass during the interview. • The integrity dilemma questions are available here on Inside+ and include examples of satisfactory and unsatis factory answers. Instructions on how to use the questions are available here. A new option has been added to the short list feedback questionnaire on eRec. This option enables Hiring Managers to select video interview or assessment for the next step. The selection then triggers an auto mated notification to the Talent Partner to initiate as agreed in the Kick-Off Meeting. Candidate experience for ABB colleagues applying for internal vacancies is vital. Therefore, following interviews with inter nal candidates it is compulsory for Talent Partners and Hiring Managers to provide verbal and constructive feedback to ABB colleagues not selected to proceed further in the recruitment process. Internal candidates & interview feedback Video interview or assessment selection on eRec

• The free text field for inputting grade information has been replaced with a drop-down list from which to select the grade. This update applies to newly created requisitions from February 1. • In cases where the global grades from 1 to 20 are not applicable for the role, the Hiring Manager can select option “99” and indicate in a mandatory com ment field the local grade value.

Step-by-step information for hiring managers

A link to the step-by-step information for hiring managers guide on Inside+ has been added to the top of the job requisition cre ation page in Manager Self-Service in eRec.

Additional column in eRec

A new column has been added in eRec to support the correct selection of “Job for Position”. It indicates if a job should not be selected because it is obsolete or only for use in the EL Business Area.

*Integrity dilemmas may not be introduced in countries where co-determination with employee representatives has not yet taken place, e.g. Austria, Germany. The implementation date for these countries will be communicated separately in due course.

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