HR Lineup Feb 2023 Issue



— Learn, Connect, Grow Day on April 19, 2023 Save the date!

• engage with leaders and meet col leagues, establish new connections, learn from others, and have fun.

With the ABB Leadership Learning Ecosystem milestone's one year anniversary, this ye a r is a great time to engage with everyone at ABB to help employees embrace life-long learning and take ownership of their career development and personal growth. Therefore, we will hold the first Learn, Connect, GrowDay (LCG Day) on April 19, 2023 , and invite people to explore what learn, connect, and grow means to all of us across ABB. The LCG Day will help us to: • develop a culture of learning, connecting, and growing at ABB; • discover available resources that will help us make learning a habit and pro- actively plan our career development and personal growth;

Business areas and divisions to bring Learn, Connect, Grow Day to life

To make this event a success, the Corporate People Development team will collaborate closely with all business areas and their management teams. Leaders across ABB are invited to volunteer to host local discus sion sessions with their teams at offices and sites to r eflect together what learn, connect, and growmeans for all of us at ABB. The local discussion sessions will be supported by global kick-off broadcasts in three different time zones, as well as learning material in the form of videos, a learning pathway and much more.

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