HR Lineup February 2021
— People Performance Management Setting up for 2021
Recap of the key dates for the 2020/2021 PDA • Employee self-appraisal latest by December 18, 2020 • PDA discussion target January 24, 2021 • PDA rating completion latest January 24, 2021 • Completion of PDA by February 28, 2021 • Employee sign-off latest by February 28, 2021
Strong performance management is key to creating value and growth for the orga- nization and its employees. Receiving feedback and engaging in quality conver- sations regarding how we are performing provides insights into our strengths, our key contributions and areas for develop- ment and growth. We are now halfway through the 2020/2021 Performance and Development Appraisal (PDA), and many of you might already have had a conversation on the past year’s per- formance with your employees. In addition to highlighting achievements and lessons learned, the assessment can help define the appropriate performance and behavior goals for 2021 and some actions for inclu- sion in the development plan.
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