HR Lineup February 2021
— Goal Setting Helping your employees set relevant goals
2. Use the ABB Values as a guide. Read through the descriptions and think about how they apply to your key contribu- tions and deliverables, and career aspira- tions. For example, one element of Curiosity is to Learn from failures and successes. Ask yourself how can I/should I be displaying that in my daily perfor- mance? An example of a behavior goal could be: I will display curiosity by seeking feedback on where I have performed well and where I could make improvements on my perfor- mance. I will ask for a minimum of four pieces of feedback from others around me for each performance goal and use this to learn and grow. During discussion with my leader on my performance, I may share this feedback and how I have adjusted or where I need additional support. As a leader it is important that you spend the time to work with your employees to identify their key contributions and develop goals that are specific and measurable. There are a range of resources on Inside+ that may support you during this process including: • Targets/Goals – Quick Reference Sheet • Performance Goal (Target) setting – user manual • Guide to goals • Performance Goal Library Development Planning is a also a critical piece of performance management – for more information please access this Refer- ence Guide.
Research indicates that people perform best when they clearly understand where the work they deliver fits into the bigger picture, and their goals provide a clear sense of direction and focus. Goals that are developed through understanding and collaboration between the employee and manager also highlight how the role and the work can positively contribute to the overall success of ABB and/or the Division, providing motivation and mean- ing to our work. While some employees have already set their goals for 2021, still others are cur- rently doing so ahead of the closure of the process at the end of February. Addition- ally, goals should be reviewed periodically throughout the year, and may be adjusted as necessary based on business needs. When helping your employees set behav- ior goals, the following techniques may provide some assistance. 1. Consider: • What behaviors have made some work- ing relationships really successful (my own relationships or ones I have observed)? • How can I strengthen, develop or improve some of these behaviors into everyday performance? • What one or two behaviors / values do I need to demonstrate for my goals to be successful? How will I know that this has been achieved?
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