HR Lineup - September 2023

HR News for ABB line managers

— HR Lineup

September 2023

— Table of contents

3 tips for successful performance review conversations

004 –005

Learn, Connect, Grow: Explore the new portal


ABB Accelerate Leadership Program wins excellence awards


ABB Engagement Survey 2023 is coming soon

008 –009

Helpful Links

• Single Cycle

• Global Onboarding Portal

• Recruiting toolbox for managers

• HR Transformation Program

• Learn, Connect, Grow (LCG)

• AskHR

— HR Lineup

Bi-monthly publication for ABB line managers

Welcome to the September 2023 issue of the HR Lineup , your source for Human Resources information and updates regarding global annual processes, special projects, initiatives, and other items of interest to you in your role as a people manager. We need your help and partnership to ensure the content we include is meaningful and of use to you! Please email your feedback and questions, as well as suggestions for content to



— 3 tips for successful performance review conversations

Tip 1: Create and foster a psychologically safe environment.

Studies show that up to 80% of employees fear any performance review conversation, approximately 75% feel that they are not heard or listened to, and many believe the review is a one-way, “talk-at-fest.” Some current practices have even been compared to a visit to the dentist. An event that occurs once or twice a year, where you are never sure whether you will suffer pain and what the visit will cost you financially or emotionally.

It is important to let the conversation happen without fear or judgment. How do you best do that? Performance conversations should happen regularly and feel more like chatting with a trusted friend or colleague. The basis for this trust is to share feedback when required and not wait until the next review session.



Tip 2: Celebrate achievements and help your team grow.

Who should provide feedback? Encourage employees to seek feedback regularly from you and others who have a touch point with their performance. As a leader, you should actively ask what insights, ideas, or feedback may have been sourced or provided from others and how this has guided the actions or thinking for a better outcome. As a people leader, through regular conversations with your teams, you have the potential to uncover and nurture hidden talents and skills, helping them to take on responsibilities that align with their ambitions and goals, benefiting both the employee and the organization.

Performance conversations are a great opportunity to establish a connection and celebrate successes between teammembers. These conversations provide a platform for open dialogue about current successes and future goals, as well as constructive feedback and insight into areas of improvement. After an honest conversation, trust is built, and employees can learn, grow, and develop.

Tip 3: Share and welcome constructive feedback, and insights.

Feedback is a key component of any performance conversation. It is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth and provides employees with valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This allows them to understand how their work aligns with organizational goals and recognize the impact their performance has, both positively and developmentally.

Make a habit of sharing and asking for feedback

• Find opportunities to ask for feedback regularly and encourage your employees to do the same • Utilize the third and final performance reviewwindow to focus on feedback and development conversations. This window opened on August 28 and closes on October 6 * • Review support materials on the People Performance Management page to learn more about performance and development conversations and processes

* This timeline does not apply to B&R employees.



— Learn, Connect, Grow: Explore the newportal

• Tools for your growth Internal career portal, job alerts, talent profile, practical guides, and more • Resources for line managers Leadership development signature programs, core competencies pathway, and practical tips on how to build an LCG environment for your team(s)

In April 2023, we launched Learn, Connect, Grow (LCG) and kicked off conversations on howABB supports the development of employees andmanagers. Tomake finding and accessing learning and growth topics easier, we recently published a new LCG portal on Inside+ to provide simple and easy access to LCG information, resources, and tools.

Visit the LCG portal and check out the content

• Learning offerings Harvard learning platforms, trainings and courses

More resources will be regularly added to the LCG portal. In the meantime, join the LCG Community on Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) for updates on the latest LCG news and best practices from your colleagues.

• Tips to connect Guides for feedback and collaboration, LCG Community on Viva Engage, and more



— ABBAccelerate Leadership Program wins excellence awards

Our ABB Accelerate leadership program for middle managers has won two coveted Brandon Hall Group Silver awards for excellence in the Learning and Development category. The program was recognized for “Best Results of a Learning Program” and “Best Use of Blended Learning”. “In addition to positive feedback from the participants, we are thrilled to be recognized by professional external experts for the results of the program. Offering a space to ABB leaders to further

Learn, Connect, and Grow is our mission, and we are looking forward to offering this opportunity to many more people.”

said Elena Camoirano, ABB Accelerate program manager.

For more information on how to enroll, click here

You can also discover other opportunities by visiting the Learn, Connect and Grow Inside+ page.



— ABB Engagement Survey 2023 is coming soon

Over the past year, you should have had regular conversations with your teams about the results from the last engagement survey and the actions you committed to.

The ABB Engagement Survey 2023 will launch on October 19 – so now is an ideal time to check back on those action points and remind yourselves of all you have achieved.



Remember Glint’s People Success Framework

The engagement survey results provide you with valuable feedback and insights. These are the catalyst to set Glint’s People Success Framework in motion. The survey data prompts conversations with your teams, resulting in teammembers working collaboratively towards goals associated with the survey results. These conversations and actions provide key learning opportunities for your team to grow and continue improving the ABB culture and work environment. The feedback is an invaluable tool to hear what our employees love about ABB and areas for improvement. Communicating success stories increases employees’ belief that actions do happen because of their feedback. It also helps improve employee engagement and increases participation rates in future surveys. Look at examples of the great work happening around the ABB world on Inside+ – and use the “Submit your story” button to share examples from your own team. Share your actions and inspire others!

— HR Services Your People Partners Trista Schlick, Global HR Experience & Communications Lead

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