HR Lineup - September 2023
Tip 2: Celebrate achievements and help your team grow.
Who should provide feedback? Encourage employees to seek feedback regularly from you and others who have a touch point with their performance. As a leader, you should actively ask what insights, ideas, or feedback may have been sourced or provided from others and how this has guided the actions or thinking for a better outcome. As a people leader, through regular conversations with your teams, you have the potential to uncover and nurture hidden talents and skills, helping them to take on responsibilities that align with their ambitions and goals, benefiting both the employee and the organization.
Performance conversations are a great opportunity to establish a connection and celebrate successes between teammembers. These conversations provide a platform for open dialogue about current successes and future goals, as well as constructive feedback and insight into areas of improvement. After an honest conversation, trust is built, and employees can learn, grow, and develop.
Tip 3: Share and welcome constructive feedback, and insights.
Feedback is a key component of any performance conversation. It is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth and provides employees with valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This allows them to understand how their work aligns with organizational goals and recognize the impact their performance has, both positively and developmentally.
Make a habit of sharing and asking for feedback
• Find opportunities to ask for feedback regularly and encourage your employees to do the same • Utilize the third and final performance reviewwindow to focus on feedback and development conversations. This window opened on August 28 and closes on October 6 * • Review support materials on the People Performance Management page to learn more about performance and development conversations and processes
* This timeline does not apply to B&R employees.
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