June 2022 HR Lineup
Tips and reminders for hiring managers If you prefer automatic slot selection for interviews, please remember to keep your calendar up-to-date and secure free slots in the near future. Be sure your correct working hours are reflected in Outlook as well! If you prefer manual slot selection for interviews, please be sure to input your availability in a timely manner. Watch for the email requesting your availa- bility for an interview coming from recruitmentteam@abb.com . Be aware of the placeholders added to your calendar and keep them free. Place holders are automatically canceled once all candidates have provided their feed back regarding the schedule. If you need to reschedule or cancel, please use the links from the auto- mated calendar confirmation rather than Outlook . Using the links from the automated calendar will allow you to maximize the use of the ABB Interview Scheduler and its automation.
Learn more
• Interviewers already have access to an ABB Interview scheduler Dashboard where they can check the status and history of their schedules in real-time. • You can find more information about the enhancements to the ABB Inter view Scheduler on this dedicated Inside+ page.
• Watch a brief video with more infor- mation about how this tool works. • Review this short user guide, including information on how to provide feedback.
For additional information, please reach out to your Talent Partner.
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