October 2021 HR Lineup
— New Leadership Learning Ecosystem explained An interview with Guillaume Delacour, Head of People Development
the EL functions. These roles allowed me to gain insights on what our leaders need when it comes to development and career opportunities, from the view of both Busi- ness and Corporate. The roles also took me out of my comfort zone, driving my professional growth, and enabling me to connect with a broad range of great lead- ers and HR colleagues from whom I have learned a lot. In my new role as Head of People Development, I intend to use these experiences to boost a culture of lifelong learning and further empower our people to take their careers to the next level. HR Lineup: Why is introducing the new Leadership Learning Ecosystem crucial for our leaders? Guillaume: I believe three main reasons have led us as an organization to embark on a complete change of our learning strategy. First, we are all working in an increasingly complex, fast-changing, hyper-competitive world and often in a re- mote world. What we know and how we put it into practice becomes obsolete very quickly; we all need to continuously learn and upgrade to newer versions of our- selves to evolve as leaders. Second, over the past 18 months we have transformed the organization through the introduction of the ABB Way, ABB Purpose, ABB values
Guillaume Delacour, Head of People Development
We recently connected with Guillaume to discuss the new Leadership Learning Ecosystem being rolled out to all ABB leaders. Read on to learn more about how you can benefit! HR Lineup: Guillaume, thank you for taking time to talk to us about the new Leadership Learning Ecosystem. Before we jump into to the topic, we’d like to ask about your personal learning experience with ABB and what you have learned as a leader? Guillaume: Hello and thank you for the opportunity. I joined ABB in 2017 as Global Talent Management Lead, and later took the role of Global HR Business Partner for
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