October 2021 HR Lineup
— New HR procedures now in place Learn how they support core HR policies
The following core HR procedures are effective August 1, 2021.
Throughout 2021, HR is developing and sharing several core HR procedures sup- porting our recently announced core HR policies, which can be found here. These procedures expand on the policies and provide details such as roles, respon- sibilities and expected actions. It is man- datory for all Divisions, Business Areas, GBS and Corporate to follow these policies and procedures.
Performance & Reward policy • Compensation structure procedure – sets out the principles behind the de- sign of ABB’s compensation structures, the basic framework that applies to all countries and the key directions on adherence. • Salary planning and review procedure – defines the directions for carrying out salary actions in alignment with ABB’s principles for salary review, and de- scribes the key concepts and processes associated with salary reviews, including salary planning and salary ranges. Labor Relations policy • Labor Relations procedure – describes in more detail the directions which en- able ABB to comply with legal and regu- latory requirements. All of the core HR policies and procedures are available under the HR section of the ABB governance portal. If you have any questions, please contact your HR Business Partner. The following core HR procedures are effective September 1, 2021.
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